Kid Funnies

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Nathan's Birthday & New Puppy

After my Mom passed away on Matthew's birthday I took a break from blogging.  Then life got busy.  We went down to GA for her funeral and we came back with her then 7 month old puppy.  She's a Doberman and was about 54lbs.  She's grown a little since we got her.  Dozer seems to really love his new friend Trixie.  Dozer is a Great Dane/ Rottie mix.

Since then Trixie has become a part of our family.  She seems to learn really fast.  She so far has been a lot easier to teach things to than Dozer was/is.

On Nov. 3rd our baby turned 11.  I don't know where the time goes.  Sometimes I think "I can't believe he's 11 already" and then other times I think "I can't believe he's ONLY 11!".

We took him out to dinner and he loves to have my garlic bread if my meal comes with it.  He likes to put jelly on it!

Anyway that's it for today.  We've been busy working on a 600sq ft addition we are doing for my best friend Adrianne and her family.  We started it in September.  The structure is done and we are currently siding it.  I've done a few things around the house nothing too exciting just small stuff which I will post about later.

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