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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

1 Year THM Anniversary

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 I can't believe it's been 1 year since I've started this journey.  It has totally changed the way I think about food and how it nourishes us!

Today makes 1 year since I talked to my good friend Tracy about Trim Healthy Mama (THM)! She invited me over for lunch and we enjoyed a nice THM meal!  She answered all my questions and directed to a great group on facebook.  All the S, E and FP were confusing at first but she helped me through it while I read the book and asked questions! 

 I started my journey at about 225lbs. I'm "almost" 5'3" lol. I was tired, didn't feel good much of the time and just wanted to sleep. I was 34 years old and felt 80!! I was ready to give this a good try and I did! I was already gluten free so only a few of the ingredients were new to me like gluccie, chia seeds and coconut oil. I had already the year before switched from splenda to Truvia. By July 2013 I was down to 173. Then my gallbladder attacks picked up but before that I was feeling so much better and had so much more energy than I've had in a long time! Around Thanksgiving I got really sick with my gallbladder. I had lots of stones and it was infected. I had surgery to remove it on Dec. 13th.  I did a week of flagyl and cipro then had the surgery.  After the surgery I ended up with an infection at the operating site and also a bladder & kidney infection.  The surgeon prescribed another round of flagyl and cipro and had me on pain meds and motrin to keep the swelling down.    During that time and up till Jan 6th I wasn't on plan 100% and during those 2 months or so I went back up 13 lbs and that put me at 186.  I was determined to get back on plan and stay the course!

 Today I weighed in a 179. Since going back on plan Jan 6th I've felt so much better! 46 lbs gone in 1 year and lots of energy gained!! Thank you to Pearl & Serene for all your time, for all your research and for writing this wonderful book! Here are my before and my now pics....

Before @ 225lbs:

 Now @ 179lbs:

Here's a few from along the way so far:

 This one is from Nov. 2013  I was around 176 or so.


  1. I am so happy for you and so proud of you for getting back on plan. It's life changing isn't it?
